Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is a clean and efficient way of boiling water to make steam, which turns turbines to produce electricity.
Nuclear power is a clean and efficient way of boiling water to make steam, which turns turbines to produce electricity. Nuclear power plants use low-enriched uranium fuel to produce electricity through a process called fission the splitting of uranium atoms in a nuclear reactor. Uranium fuel consists of small, hard ceramic pellets that are packaged into long, vertical tubes. Bundles of this fuel are inserted into the reactor. Chrome Nuclear power offers many benefits for the environment as well. Power plants dont burn any materials, so they produce no combustion by-products. Additionally, because they dont produce greenhouse gases, nuclear plants help protect air quality and mitigate climate change.
Despite potential drawbacks and the controversy that surrounds it, nuclear energy does have a few advantages over some other methods of energy production. The production is inexpensive, reliable and doesn’t create greenhouse gases.
While nuclear energy does have some emissions, the plant itself does not give off greenhouse gasses. Studies have shown that what life-cycle emissions that the plants do give off are on a par with renewable energy sources such as wind power. The WNA reviewed several studies and concluded, “Greenhouse gas emissions of nuclear power plants are among the lowest of any electricity generation method and on a life cycle basis are comparable to wind, hydro-electricity and biomass.” Low greenhouse gas emissions can be very attractive to some consumers.
Ayvaz supplies both metal bellow and rubber bellow expansion joints for piping systems of the hot water and steam lines of the Turbines as well as the penetration seals for reactor and boiler houses. We possess required for Nuclear Power plants and calculate all our expansion joints keeping with Pressure Equipment Directive PED 2014/68/EU; we are CE-certified up to category III. The design and dimensioning are performed in accordance with all applicable international standards such as DIN, ANSI, AWWA and BS. Special dimensions can easily be accommodated at the customers request.
Ayvaz penetration seals were developed to address many problems associated with penetrating the shell of a boiler or similar pressure casing. Penetration seal is a bellows expansion joint that offers a complete seal that eliminates the leakage of heat and other emission, reduces noise and protects maintenance personnel.

Ayvaz offers different types of products for Nuclear Power